📄️ Install/Uninstall Software(package manager)
CatOS uses pacman as the system's software package manager. Pacman is a powerful and easy-to-use software management tool that allows you to easily search, install, and uninstall software with a few simple commands.
📄️ Install/Uninstall Software(Discover)
In addition to using pacman to manage software, you can also use the Discover software store to search, install and uninstall software.
📄️ Install/Uninstall Software(AUR)
Arch User Repository (AUR) is a community-led software repository for the majority of Arch users. The original intention of AUR is to organize the sharing of PKGBUILD within the community and promote popular user-contributed software packages to enter the community software library. AUR is known as the birthplace of new packages for Arch, where users contribute their own packages.
📄️ Update system
CatOS is based on archlinux and adopts a rolling update mechanism. Updating the system can keep the system in the latest state and keep the system stable, secure and fully functional. CatOS update system can be used in two ways, command line mode and graphical mode.
📄️ Shortcuts
CatOS is preset with commonly used shortcut keys. The shortcut keys for most operations are the same as those in the Windows operating system. By using shortcut keys, you can improve the efficiency of the system.