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Install/Uninstall Software(package manager)

CatOS uses pacman as the system's software package manager. Pacman is a powerful and easy-to-use software management tool that allows you to easily search, install, and uninstall software with a few simple commands.


You don’t need to worry about software dependencies, pacman will automatically handle them for you

Search software

You can search for software with the following command:

sudo pacman -Ss pkg_name

As shown below, use "neofetch" as the keyword search software

Example banner

If you do not find the software you want, you can change the keywords or use tools such as AUR

Install software

You can install the software with the following command:

sudo pacman -S pkg_name

As shown below, the software named "neofetch" will be installed

Example banner

Uninstall software

To uninstall just the software:

sudo pacman -R pkg_name

As shown below, the software named "neofetch" will be uninstalled

Example banner

This command only uninstalls the specified package and does not delete other packages that depend on this package. To uninstall all packages that depend on this package at the same time (excluding packages referenced by other packages), you can use the following command

sudo pacman -Rs pkg_name

Query software

If you want to query all packages installed on the system, you can use the following command

sudo pacman -Qs

To query whether a specific package is installed on your system:

sudo pacman -Qs pkg_name